telefon w Warszawie+48 22 395 50 40 Napisz do biuro w Warszawieul. Konotopska 8A / 2, 02-496 WarszawaPobieranie ROCKApomocROCKApomoc


We specialise in building web portals directed at selected group of recipients related to specified field of business activity (e.g. plant producers, IT companies, etc.). Thanks to our penetrating analysis of the Customer’s expectations the products we offer may be described as ‘tailor made’ and optimum, according to requirements set by the Customer. What is really significant is that we do not base on publicly available solutions, be it free or paid, as their complexity makes it impossible to guarantee full safety and high level of quality. Our systems are based on authorial solutions – in technical and visual sense.

Portals are able to contain elements of CRM and ERP systems and this provides an optimum flow of information. These elements can integrate particular systems (e.g. storage systems) which is highly desirable for production companies and those ones often updating their professional offer.

Thanks to our penetrating analysis of the Customer’s expectations the products we offer may be described as ‘tailor made’ and optimum, according to requirements set by the Customer.

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